

Everything you need to know about the color Ivory | Hex Code


Meaning of the Color Ivory

Ivory is a confusing color for people trying to put together a color scheme. It is a shade of white that falls in the color spectrum between a cooler shade, like diamond white, and yellow-based shades, like cream. Ivory is a warm, natural white with a hint of yellow. A good visual reference point is the tusk of an elephant. The color ivory takes its name from the bone material that forms the tusks of the elephant.

Ivory Number or Color Code

Hex code: # FFFFF0
RGB code: (r, g, b) (255, 255, 240)
CMYK code: (c, m, y, k) (0, 0, 6, 0)
HSV Code: (h, s, v) (60°, 6%, 100%)

Psychology of the Color Ivory

The ivory color provides a relaxing effect. It can be used to set a tone of discreet elegance. It is especially suitable for formal wedding invitations and also for elegant and personal stationery.

Combinations with the Color Ivory

Ivory with light peach, pale green grass and light brown has an earthy feel, but is softer than other natural pallets. Use a touch of ivory to brighten and illuminate medium and dark orange, blue, green, purple or turquoise. Ivory serves as an elegant background for chocolate brown, navy blue, deep plum, burgundy and hunter green.

Is Ivory a Cool Or Warm Color?

Because of its yellow undertones, the variation of ivories tends to lean slightly more towards the warmer side of the color temperature spectrum. Ivory is often considered a neutral color that can work well with both warm and cool colors, although the general consensus is that the yellow undertone gives off a subtle warmth.


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